Last beverage: Water
Last phone call: Spam risk
Last song you listened to: Send Me an Angel- Zeromancer
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Height: 5’5”
What are your three favorite colors: Yellow, pink, purple
Piercings: None at the moment
Tattoos: N/A
First school: Preschool?
Believe in luck? In some ways
Believe in love at first sight: Not sure
Believe in Heaven: Hopeful
Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Absolutely
Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight? Probably
Did you ever fail a driver’s test? Haven't taken it yet
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? If I had to choose something I guess baked pretzels
Last thing you spent money on? Game app
Do you like the snow? Yes
Do you like the outside? Depends on weather
What makes you happy? A lot
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? Yes lmao
Ever been outside your home country? Yes
Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? Yes, once when I went to Canada
Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes, I usually sleep with a nightlight on (shut up)
Do you believe in true love? "Absolutely, but I also believe that a person can have more than one true love."
Do you wear make-up? Sometimes, usually just mascara and lipgloss/stick when I do
How many windows are open on your computer? 7
Who last texted you? My mom
Who did you last text? My mom
What are you craving right now? Soda
Would you live with someone without marrying them? Yes
What’s irritating you right now? The fact that I'm at school
Do you want any pets: I already have the best pet
Do you want to change your name: Maybe
Lost glasses/contacts: N/A
Been arrested: No
Milk chocolate or white chocolate? Milk
Twirl or cut your spaghetti? Twirl, usually just suck it up
Do you type fast? Yes
Do you sing in the shower? No
Have you dated someone twice: I've never dated anyone
Moved out of town: Nope.
Where is your favorite place on earth? My aunts house, the movie theater
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? My humor and eyes
Something you hate to do? Laundry.
What would be the best gift ever? Hello kitty v88 phone
Do you wish on shooting stars? No